Archive for October, 2012

Steampunk nails for him


And what would a nail polish blog be without nails for him? Here we have the boy wearing Sally Hansen Hard As Nails in 860 “Steely Gaze.”  I punked it out with the Sepohora by OPI matte topcoat. It had the strange effect of making our nails look very similar to the nerf guns we punked out earlier.  He wasn’t too thrilled with the color, saying it didn’t look very pretty, but I love the metallic look.

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Steampunk nails, third edition

I had to keep adding on to the original Sally Hansen job, so here I added a black top coat and matted the whole thing.  Even more tons of awesomeness!  Here I used Sinful Professional Colors in Inkwell for the tips, Sally Hansen’s Lustre Shine in Copperhead, and topped it off with Sephora by OPI matte top coat.

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I added my OPI matte finish to Sally Hansen’s Lustre Shine Copperhead for a delectable gunmetal feel.  Love it!


Here are my nails wrapped around our Steampunk guns.  Nice!


This is a favorite nail picture- nails, guns, nylons, boots.

This is Sally Hansen Lustre Shine in Copperhead. This looked like a lovely color for fall, and, with it’s nod to industrial metals, like a great color for SteamCon.


I decided to freehand in Steampunk-esque pictures; gears, clockfaces, that sort of thing.  Unfortunately, the silver nail pen couldn’t be seen very well.  I guess the contrast of the silver on the shimmery brown wasn’t enough to be detectable.


I decided to recover the nails the next day.  Stay tuned for the next post to see the final result!
