
Like usual, I had to get my nails all prettied up for the 4th of July. I wanted to do something quick and simple that would still look festive.


I used Sinful Colors 852, Go Go Girl for red, Sally Hansen Hard As Nails Hard As Wraps 2780-03 White Tip for white, and Revlon Nail Enamel 460 Mysterious for blue.


On the right hand I painted all blue nails with a white accent nail.


On the left I painted all red nails with another white accent nail. Definitely a quick job. I painted the nails right before I went to bed, like used to do back in the day, but even though I used Opi Drying Drops, the white still got a little imprinted from the bedding. The white is incredibly think though, so it probably took hours upon hours to dry. All whites are strangely thick and goopy, and this “Hard As Wraps” is significantly so!