Archive for January, 2017

Gold and feathers nails

Santa brought me a lovely gleaming bronze-gold color. It was supposed to be holographic, but it doesn’t really look that way on the nail. I think it must take a truly special polish to get that holographic look. I like it though, the color reminds me of some of the Steampunk-themed colors I got for my first SteamCon.

Painting nails this time around took unusually long because I have a nail that’s cracked about half way down my finger. I am trying to keep the crack from spreading until the nail grows enough for the breakage to not a literal pain. So, I spent over an hour adding layers of superglue and letting it seep it. Several of my nails have been getting deep cracks lately. This is actually the 4th nail to crack below the skin in the past month.
Anyway, On top of the bronze finish I added some of the “nail tattoos” I got for Christmas. I ended up only doing a few decals since they were longer than most of my nails. I’ll have to wait until my nails grow out again to do a more detailed tattooing. Overall, the tattoos were easy to apply, even though I had to use scissors to cut around the designs. I like the stickiness of the decals and have a hunch they will last longer than the other nails stickers I’ve tried.

Boston Baked beans nails

Santa got me this color for Christmas. Oddly enough, it was a color I was looking to buy for Christmas! I have a super warm maroon color sweater that didn’t quite match any of my existing polishes. This color is a perfect match!

Santa’s loot

Santa brought me tons of nail treats this year. I’m excited to try all of them! Stay tuned for updates and reports on all these new little treasures.