Tag Archive: 4th of july

Raising the flag

I never felt comfortable with the American flag. I was the kid in elementary school who wouldn’t say the Pledge of Allegiance as ordered every morning. I’d stand so as to not cause disruption, but I’d keep my mouth closed in silent protest. I never questioned why I felt so against this ritual. I don’t think my parents or anyone else around me talked about options for dissent. I’m not aware of any classmates who didn’t pledge. But something about the flag always made me squeamish. Nonetheless, I am a sucker for dressing to a theme, and every 4th of July, I feel the need for my nails to celebrate. I usually wear red-white, and blue that day. I love the idea of celebration, even for Independence day, but I never once felt “proud to be an American.”

Recently I listed to a podcast that changed all that. I can’t remember who the interviewee was, but he said:

We are a country of Natives, ex-slaves, and immigrants.

That sits really well with me. It describes an America I can get behind. It feels right. Looking at “us” this way feels true. Looking at our country, and thus our flag, through this lens elicits an outlook I can get behind. This year, I wear the American flag with pride.

Every year around Independence day I paint my nails red, white, and blue. Every year I try to do an original combination of the three colors. I’ve done this since I was a freshman in highschool. This year, I decided to combine red and blue glitter in a fade or ombre pattern. It looks spectacular! It reminds me of the Firecracker Popsicles that ice cream trucks sell. 

Interestingly, it’s the sort of design that transforms when viewed far away or up close. Far away, all you see are speckles and the overall effect looks purple. Up close, you can see the definition of the red and blue. The glitter makes it reminiscent of fireworks. I didn’t anticipate the purple effect, but it makes sense. 

Pride to be an American


See what I did there? See, I always get a little nervous when it’s time to do 4th of July nails. I love holiday-themed-costumes, and getting in the spirit, but I am leery of coming of as one of those Proud Americans. I am truly grateful for the many fortunes benefitted to me as an American citizen, but, like so many, I share in the shame as well. I won’t dwell here, this is, after all, a nail blog, not some political thing. But, it’s important to recognize the tentativeness I feel every time I don myself in red, white, and blue.


But then, the country announced that all states would recognize gay marriage. All during Pride week. So, I thought about painting my nails in some sort of rainbow fashion. While I have every color of the rainbow, none of them would contrast well or work with the nail stamps. And I had to use my nail stamping kit! So, red, white, and blue it is. And, boy am I PROUD of the results!


I started with CND super sticky base coat. I painted China Glaze 1258 “So Blue Without You” on my last two nails. Oh, I love this color! SO shimmery! I painted Sinful Colors’ 852 “Good Girl” on the rest of my fingers. I shocked the boy with this color. It is the most classic, shiny, red nail polish out there. It was so bright, I think it blew him over with visions of Marilyn Monroe and waitresses across America. Then I had to eat a popsicle. ‘Cause it’s hot out side!


The warm weather did a great job on the nails, they dried instantly. Then I took a couple Shany nail plates. This is where it gets fun. I covered the blue nails with white stars (Revlon 510 “Sure Thing”). My nails instantly turned into Wonder Woman panties! Dooooioooooode! Best nails ever! Then I added white stripes on the red, completing the look of the American flag. This manicure is inarguably the best plating I’ve done yet. Cuz Wonder Woman! I finished with CND super shiny top coat.


To make it better, I had to ride down to Capitol Hill afterward and, not only did my manicure last, I touched the rainbow. In Capitol Hill, even the crosswalks are gay! I could care less about marriage, but I think America has made a powerful step forward. And I am proud.


So it was the 4th of July and I haaaaad to do patriotic nails, because, well, that’s what I always do.  Doing these nails was a very annoying process.  First, my white, Sinful Colors Professional “Snow me White” is thick and streaky and took a few coats to get just right. Just after it dried it occurred to me I actually have a white nail pen and I didn’t need to do a white base at all! I did want a separation between the blue and red though, as times I’ve done this in the past have resulted in an unintentional layer of purple. Then my blue, Bon Bons blue, while one of my all-time favorite colors, is a color I’ve has for about 12 years and it has been thinned out so many times the texture of it is almost impossible.  The China Glaze Ruby Pumps was perfect in every way, except that by the time I got to the third stage I was so over it all!

Then I finish, and when I look at it, all I can see is Pepsi! I’m a walking Pepsi advertisement! Ahhhh!