Archive for November, 2018

OPI Sheer Tint Top Coat

By sheer luck I aquired this OPI sheer topcoat. I walked into a beauty store that was closing it’s line of polish that day, so they we’re giving it all away. This isn’t a color I would typically choose, but hey, it was free!

I used it over a pale blue, hoping it would turn a little green. It didn’t really make any effect, though. Kinda disappointing.

Detailed Toes

I don’t post about my pedicures that often, but this one was a little different. I used the matte hot pink Island Girl polish I got in Hawaii, but I didn’t like the look of it on my toes. So I added a little triangle of black, to give it a late 80’s geometric effect. Fun!

My favorite Color

This is a simple, natural tone that I got about 7 years ago. The translucent gloss requires several coats to get the effect I like. I’ve posted about this color before, but it’s one of my favorites so I’m posting it again.